Lyndsay Paige


Do you trust yourself to build a life you love? 




When you join my my group coaching program, Self-Care & Ayurveda you will create a SELF-CARE ROUTINE that fits your life. (No cookie care to-do lists). SUPPORT from me + bad azz community of people, who are on a similar journey. And a timeline where you will be held ACCOUNTABLE to show up for yourself every week.
It is a frustrating cycle to feel like you never have enough time to take care of you. Or you try to "do the right things", but always slide back into your old habits. 
You might find yourself questioning what the "right things" are because no one ever explained it to you. (You don't know what you don't know ❤️)
One things is certain, something is missing in your life. 
The key to my continued growth is having a community to support and encourage me when life gets hard. 
It takes community and accountability to create habits that stick and see results. 
I'm here for you because I believe it shouldn't take someone 7 years ((MY STORY!)) to figure out how to find purpose and feel at peace.
It's not about getting rid of the stress in our lives, it's about thriving amidst adversity.
Trust yourself to take care of you (because know one else can do this work except for you). And take one step forward to getting clear on what you want in your life.

© 2019 by Lyndsay Paige